Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Shaping the Future of ScienceSpotlight
Ravenwood High School outlasts the competition, wins the 2025 Tennessee Science Bowl
High school students from across the state faced off in East Tennessee Feb. 22, 2025, putting their wits to the test. The Tennessee Science Bowl is a fast-paced academic competition that pits teams of four students against each other in a quiz-show-style contest. The event serves all public, private and homeschool students in 9th – 12th grades.
ORISE data management experts are optimizing the analysis of beryllium exposure data
ORISE is progressively developing digital dashboards for the individual years of data available in the Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry (BAWR). BAWR was created through DOE regulation 10 CFR 850–Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program—and maintains data related to the health, exposure, and work histories for current DOE or contractor employees who are exposed or potentially exposed to beryllium in their current or past work activities at a DOE site.
NNSA-MSIIP fellow reflects on her experience in nuclear policy
Meagan Roberts, MPH, is a former ORISE participant of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program (NNSA-MSIIP). Her internship focused on nuclear incident response policy and capacity building for nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness.
Helping students see themselves in STEM careers: An Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Conversation
ORISE is at the forefront of helping educate the U.S. scientific workforce of the future. Educators play a key role in this efforts. In this episode host Michael Holtz and special co-host Zachary Minchow-Proffitt have a conversation with two Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellows about the role of educators in helping their students see themselves pursuing STEM careers. Victoria Thomson, an AEF Fellow at USGS, and Jessica Fries-Gaither, an AEF Fellow at the Library of Congress, discuss barriers that students may face in expanding their interest in STEM and the pursuit of careers in STEM, and what they have done as educators to make their classrooms spaces where students gain self-confidence in STEM subjects.
Engineering a Story Lesson Plan Competition
Teachers, it is time to engineer your own stories! It is National Reading Month, and here at ORISE we want you to create a lesson plan that brings together the love of both engineering and reading. Teachers of any grade level or subject are invited to submit a STEM lesson plan that includes engineering and reading. THREE teachers who submit lesson plans will be selected to receive a prize!

March Student Challenge: Living Labyrinth Student Competition
Get ready to blend curiosity and creativity by exploring how systems in the human body help us to participate in everyday activities. ORISE is asking you to pick an activity (like running, eating something, crafting, etc) and explain how a system in the human body (endocrine, muscular, lymphatic, etc) helps to complete that activity. THREE prizes will be awarded to each grade band.

Unique Exposures Scholarship Competition
This semester’s research-based challenge for undergraduate students was inspired by ORISE’s experience with beryllium health effects. The challenge is for students to create an infographic that effectively communicates chemical safety risks for any potentially hazardous chemical that can be displayed in the workplace.