U.S. Department of Energy

10-year Summary of DOE Occupational Exposure Data

Welcome to the interactive data explorer that allows users to quickly examine information on occupational radiation exposure information at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).  The objective of this tool is for users to be able to walk through the 10 years of standard metrics and information collected by the Radiation Exposure Monitoring System (REMS) in an interactive, organized, and inter-related series of graphics to provide a comprehensive overview of radiation exposure at DOE.

To interact with the data explorer, hover over any of the graphics on the screen and click on your selection for more information.  Once the selected graphic is open, roll the cursor over data to enable a pop-up screen with more detailed information.  When you have completed your review of the graphic, please click on the ‘back’ button located in the bottom left-hand corner of the graphic.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions concerning this tool, please contact Kathy McLellan at DOE EHSS at Katharine.mclellan@hq.doe.gov.
