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Explore the Possibilities!


In order to more accurately represent the impact this program and ORISE has in the research and scientific community you are asked to join ORCiD and provide ORISE with your unique identifier.  ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of organizational members, including research organizations, publishers, funders, professional associations, and other stakeholders in the research ecosystem.  Submission of the ORCiD is voluntary and is not a condition of your appointment.  Nonetheless, we would appreciate your cooperation, for information not submitted will undermine the statistical validity, and therefore the usefulness, of information we get from others. 

ORCiD ensures you get credit for ALL of your work

Do you worry about getting credit for your research because your name is common or you have publications under multiple aliases? Do you struggle to keep track of all of your research outputs? Are you annoyed by having to enter the same information over and over in manuscript and grant submission systems?

ORCiD solves these problems!

ORCiD is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars that is open, non-proprietary, transparent, mobile, and community-based. ORCiD provides a persistent digital identifier to DISTINGUISH YOU from all other researchers, AUTOMATICALLY LINKING your professional activities. For example,

  • Funding organizations like the Department of Energy OSTI, NIH, Wellcome Trust, and NSF are requesting ORCiD during grant submission and plan to use it to reduce the burden of grant submission
  • Publishers are collecting ORCiD during manuscript submission, so your ORCiD becomes a part of your publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. These include, among others: Sage, ProQuest, Wiley, PNAS, AIP and NEJM Group.
  • Universities and research institutes worldwide such as: Harvard, Oxford, Michigan, Cornell, Duke, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Washington University encourage ORCiD adoption, and many are creating ORCiD for their faculty, postdocs, and graduate students!
  • Professional associations like the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), American Psychological Association (APA), American Society Of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Electrochemical Society (ECS) and Modern Language Association (MLA) and many more are incorporating ORCiD into membership renewal 

Over time, this collaborative effort will reduce redundant entry of biographical and bibliographical data into multiple systems. Your ORCiD will belong to you throughout your scholarly career as a persistent identifier to distinguish you from other researchers and ensure consistent, reliable attribution of your work.

What ORCiD Is:

ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of organizational members, including research organizations, publishers, funders, professional associations, and other stakeholders in the research ecosystem. A complete list of ORCiD Member Organizations can be found here.

ORCiD provides a free persistent digital identifier that distinguishes your work from that of other researchers with similar names. Most personal names are not unique, they can change (such as with marriage), have cultural differences in name order, contain inconsistent use of first-name abbreviations, and employ different writing systems.  However, your ORCiD is both unique to you and permanent, allowing you to assemble all of your research related activity in one place. Like a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for people, ORCiD are now integrated in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission. ORCiD supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized while additionally streamlining reporting for some funders.  Since its launch in 2012, ORCiD has become known internationally and is in use on a global scale.

What ORCiD is Not:

One common misconception is that ORCiD is another research profile product. ORCiD is not a research profile product. It is a registry, and forms an increasingly important part of the "plumbing" of the global research information infrastructure. As an open, non-profit initiative it is not subject to the control of any one particular publisher or corporation.  In fact, having an ORCiD will make it much easier to keep your other research profiles up to date