Frequently Asked Questions
For Students
1. What is STEM?
STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering & Math. These broad academic disciplines are utilized in everyday life and many career fields.
2. I’m not interested in science and I’m not good at math. Is this program for me?
Yes. One of our goals is to inspire and educate students who are not interested in science or math to consider STEM careers. Sometimes, you have to experience a topic in a new and different way to realize you like it and are good at it.
3. I’m going to be a musician or artist. When am I ever going to use STEM?
STEM is at the heart of many artistic fields such as the basics of mixing colors, choosing finishes, even the design of acoustic instruments and advanced audio mixing equipment.
4. My GPA is not the best. Do I have a chance of being selected?
Yes, you do! GPAs are but one criterion used to evaluate applicants.
5. How much does the JSTI cost?
All expenses are paid by the JSTI to include lodging, air fare (if necessary), and meals. Transportation expenses for driving are reimbursed at a standard rate.
6. I do not live near Edgewood, MD. Can I still apply?
Yes. JSTI is a residential program that accepts applicants from across the continental United States. Students outside the continental United States should contact Marie Westfall at, (865) 576-3425.
7. I have a car. Can I drive to the JSTI?
Yes, however, you must turn the keys over to JSTI staff when you arrive. All local transportation is provided by JSTI. The keys will be returned at the conclusion of the program for you to drive home.
8. Where do I stay during the JSTI?
All participants are housed at the Hampton Inn and Suites – Edgewood/Aberdeen, 2110 Emmorton Park Road, Edgewood, MD. All participants will be assigned a roommate.
9. Is it ok for me to leave for part of a day or a couple of days for other events or family activities?
Participants must be able to attend the full 2-weeks. Part-time participation is not an option.
10. What type of supervision is there at JSTI?
Four resident teachers supervise the students when they are not in their research class. During the research day, students are supervised by a Mentor with resident teachers nearby. At night, “hall” monitors are in the hallways to ensure the safety of the students.
11. Do students choose the activities in which they are interested or do they participate in all activities?
Students list a preference for research topics and every effort is made to match one of a student’s top 3 with the available research areas. The students will focus on a single topic for the duration of the JSTI. All activities are required participation.
12. If attendees are interested in a particular subject such as forensic analysis, do they need prior knowledge on that subject?
No! One of the great things about our program is no previous knowledge of the subject is required.
13. What clothes should I bring?
Everyday school clothes are acceptable. No open-toed or open-heeled shoes are allowed in the laboratories, however, sneakers are fine. If you wear contact lens, safety glasses are required and will be provided. Pants are highly recommended in the laboratory (long skirts are permitted). Hats and tennis shoes are also recommended for extracurricular activities. Please bring appropriate dress clothes for the final presentations on the last day.
14. Will I be able to attend religious services?
Reasonable efforts will be made to allow attendance at religious services.
15. Will there be Wi-Fi available?
Wi-Fi is available in the hotel and hotel rooms at no cost.
16. Are cell phones, laptops, cameras, and other electronic devices allowed?
Yes. However, use of these devices may be limited due to research requirements. Please remember JSTI and the hotel are not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken personal items.
For Teachers
1. What is my responsibility for the students who participate in the program?
You will not have any supervisory responsibility for the students. JSTI has staff teachers who supervise the students.
2. What is the cost of JSTI?
JSTI provides transportation to and from Edgewood, MD, lodging, local transportation, meals, and admission/registration fees for all activities. JSTI will purchase necessary airfare or reimburse drivers at a standard federal rate, not to exceed $500 per round trip. Travel is provided inside the continental U.S. Teachers outside the continental United States should contact Carl Rodgers at, (443) 303-2517.
You may want to bring spending money for souvenirs, snacks, or incidentals.
3. Will I receive a stipend?
Teachers receive a $1500 stipend for completion of all requirements.
4. If I am local to Edgewood, will I have to stay at the hotel?
Yes, this is a residential program and residence is required.
5. Can I go home over the weekend?
No, there will be planned activities over the weekend.
6. Do I need to apply with a student to participate?
No, student and teacher teams are not required or solicited for participation. Teachers and students are selected as individuals.
7. Where do I stay during the JSTI?
All participants are housed at the Hampton Inn and Suites – Edgewood/Aberdeen, 2110 Emmorton Park Road, Edgewood, MD. All participants will be assigned a roommate.
8. Is it ok for me to leave for part of a day or a couple of days for other events or family activities?
Participants must be able to attend the full 2-weeks. Part-time participation is not an option.
9. Will I be able to choose my research project?
No, placement will be based upon availability of mentors. To the extent possible, we will try to place you in a project that relates to your teaching assignments.
10. What clothes should I bring?
Everyday school clothes are acceptable. No open-toed or open-heeled shoes are allowed in the laboratories, however, sneakers are fine. If you wear contact lens, safety glasses are required and will be provided. Pants are highly recommended in the laboratory (long skirts are permitted). Hats and tennis shoes are also recommended for extra-curricular activities. Please bring appropriate dress clothes for the final presentations on the last day.
11. Will I be able to attend religious services?
Reasonable efforts will be made to allow attendance at religious services.
12. Will there be Wi-Fi available?
Wi-Fi is available in the hotel and hotel rooms at no cost.
13. Are cell phones, laptops, cameras, and other electronic devices allowed?
Yes. However, use of these devices may be limited due to research requirements. Please remember JSTI and the hotel are not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken personal items.