Acronym List
Acronym | Description |
AMES | Ames Laboratory |
AMWTP | Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project |
ANL | Argonne National Laboratory |
BAL | Bronchoalveolar Lavage |
BAWR | Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry |
Be | Beryllium |
BeLPT | Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test |
BeS | Beryllium Sensitization or Beryllium-Sensitized |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
CBD | Chronic Beryllium Disease |
CBDPP | Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CY | Calendar Year |
DOD | U.S. Department of Defense |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
DOE-ORO | U.S. Department of Energy - Oak Ridge Office |
DOL | U.S. Department of Labor |
EEOICPA | Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act |
EHSS | Office of the Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety and Security |
EHSS-10 | Office of Health and Safety |
ETTP | East Tennessee Technology Park |
EX | Arithmetic Mean |
F | Percent Exceeding 0.2 µg/m3 |
Fermi | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
GSVCS | Golden SVCS, LLC |
HAN | Hanford Site |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory |
KAPL | Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory |
KCP | Kansas City Plant |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
LLNL BU | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Boston University (subcontractor) |
LLNL CHES | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Clean Harbors Environmental Services (subcontractor) |
LLNL ENVC | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Envirocon, Inc. (subcontractor) |
LLNL NW | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory North Wind Services, LLC (subcontractor) |
NA | Not Applicable |
NETL | National Energy Technology Laboratory |
NNSA | DOE National Nuclear Security Administration |
NNSS | Nevada National Security Site |
NSC | National Security Campus |
NSPS | National Strategic Protective Services, LLC for ETTP and ORNL |
NTS | Nevada Test Site |
OIG | DOE Office of Inspector General |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
ORISE | Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education |
OSHA | DOL Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
PADUCAH | Paducah Site |
PEL | Personal Exposure Limit |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
PRS | Paducah Remediation Services |
PTX | Pantex Plant |
Respirator APF | Respirator Assigned Protection Factor |
RF | Rocky Flats Closure Project |
SLAC | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
SNL | Sandia National Laboratories |
SOMD | Site Occupational Medical Director |
SRS | Savannah River Site |
SWPA | Southwestern Power Administration |
TWA | Time Weighted Average |
µg/m3 | Micrograms per Cubic Meter |
UTL | Upper Tolerance Limit |
WSHP | Worker Safety and Health Program |
WSI | Wackenhut Security Services, Inc. for ETTP, ORNL, and Y-12 |
Y-12 | Y-12 National Security Complex |
Y-12 ANS | Y-12 National Security Complex Atkins Nuclear Secured (subcontractor) |
Y-12 NRE | Y-12 National Security Complex Navarro Research and Engineering (subcontractor) |
Y-12 URS | Y-12 National Security Complex URS Corporation (subcontractor) |
Beryllium Sensitization Algorithm (current until revisions to 10 CFR 850 are passed): An employee is considered sensitized if any one of the following clinical criteria and incidence rules for the case definition of beryllium sensitizations is met. Often, an employee’s data will satisfy multiple criteria, and their date of sensitization is calculated as the earliest date any one of these is met.
- 2 positive or abnormal beryllium proliferation test (BELPT )results (based on 2 separate blood draws).
- 1 positive or abnormal plus 2 (or more) borderline BELPT results.
- A positive or abnormal bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) result.
- A CBD evaluation with a finding of sensitization but no chronic beryllium disease (CBD).
Exposure Monitoring Statistics: These calculations are based on the methods described in the Statistical Methods and Software for the Analysis of Occupational Exposure Data with Non-Detectable Values. Due to the limitations in laboratory analytic methods approaching nano- scales much of the airborne exposure monitoring data are subject to left censoring with a measurement below the detectable limit. The methods applied estimate non-detectable levels using maximum likelihoods for randomly left censored, lognormal data with alternative non-parametric methods applied when the lognormal distribution is in doubt due to small sample sizes.
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient: The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient monitors the dose response represented by the Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry (BAWR) data, and is calculated by site with the percent exceeding the action level and the percent beryllium sensitized or diagnosed with CBD.
References and Resources
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Clinical and laboratory factors contributing to uninterpretable beryllium lymphocyte proliferation tests (BeLPT), Derek Smith, et. al., March 2018. Abstract:
American Journal of Public Health, Illness Absences Among Beryllium Sensitized Workers, Janice Watkins, et. al., September 2014. Abstract:
Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry 2017 Annual Report, Department of Energy, Office of the Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety and Security.
Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program, 10 CFR § 850 (1999).
Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program, 10 CFR § 850 (2012).
Department of Energy Technical Specification 1142, Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Testing (BeLPT). DOE-SPEC-1142-2019.
Department of Energy Technical Standard 1187, Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry Data Collection and Management Guidance. DOE-STD-1187-2019.
Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Beryllium - Overview.
Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA’s Rulemaking to Protect Workers from Beryllium Exposure.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 10 CRR Part 850, Federal Register, June 2016.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program, 10 CFR 850, page 36748.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Exposure and genetics increase risk of beryllium sensitisation and chronic beryllium disease in the nuclear weapons industry, Michael Van Dyke, et. al., November 2011. Abstract:
PEARSON function.
STAND: Statistical Analysis of Non-Detects.
Statistical Methods and Software for the Analysis of Occupational Exposure Data with Non-Detectable Values, Frome EL and Wambach PF, ORNL/TM-2005/52.
The R Project for Statistical Computing.
Worker Safety and Health Program, 10 CFR § 851.10 (2006).