User Guide
The Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry Dashboard is a web-based platform for reviewing BAWR data and metrics in an efficient and timely manner. This section is intended to explain the functions of the Dashboard and to provide guidance as you explore this easy-to-use website.
Use the Instructional and Navigational Guide tab above for information and help navigating this website.
If you need further assistance, please contact ORISE Health Studies at
Instructional and Navigational Guide
To begin using the Dashboard, click on the link to launch the BAWR Dashboard using a supported web browser.
In order to use the BAWR Dashboard to its full capabilities, a supported web browser is mandatory. The browsers compatible with the BAWR Dashboard are the most recent versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. NOTE: Using an unsupported browser (such as Internet Explorer) might limit the functionality of the application.
The Dashboard uses an external link indicator ( ) to visually indicate that the link takes the user to an external website.
Links to Government Websites
The Dashboard links to publicly available websites that are government-owned or government sponsored, unless directed not to by the agency that owns the site. Acceptable federal government-owned or government-sponsored website domains include .gov, .mil and
The Dashboard also links to quasi-government agencies and websites created by public sector/private sector partnerships, state and local government sites, and some government-sponsored websites that end in .com, .org, or .net.
Links to Non-Government Websites
The Dashboard also links to websites that are not government-owned or government-sponsored if these websites provide government information and/or services in a way that is not available on an official government website. The Dashboard provides these non-government websites as a public service only.
The Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry (BAWR) Dashboard neither endorses nor guarantees in any way the external organizations, services, advice, or products included in these website links. Furthermore, the Dashboard neither controls nor guarantees the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of the information contained in non-government website links.
You can use keyboard shortcuts to zoom in or out. This zoom feature will change the size of the font and images on the screen.
- Make everything larger:
- Windows and Linux: Press Ctrl and +.
- Mac: Press ⌘ and +.
- Chrome OS: Press Ctrl and +.
- Make everything smaller:
- Windows and Linux: Press Ctrl and -.
- Mac: Press ⌘ and -.
- Chrome OS: Press Ctrl and -.
- Use full-screen mode:
- Windows and Linux: Press F11.
- Mac: Press ⌘ + Ctrl + f.
After successfully navigating to the BAWR Dashboard, you will be directed to the home dashboard. The home dashboard is separated into two primary areas: the menu bar (left) and the content area (right). This easy-to-use navigation allows for intuitive and quick operation and is further examined below.
- The side menu bar is a stationary element in the BAWR Dashboard and, as such, is always visible from any screen within the Dashboard. The menu bar holds the primary navigation.
- The majority of user content is within the content area of the Dashboard. The content areas hold modules of content.
- Some of the content graphics have roll-over areas to see additional information. When you have completed your review of the graphic, click on the ‘X’ button located in the upper right-hand corner of the graphic to return to the last page.
Navigation Aids
Navigation Aids allows users to keep track of their current location within pages or documents and are located on the left side of the Dashboard. Any navigation aid in the BAWR Dashboard that is the color blue signifies it is an active link. Clicking another link will direct the user to a new page.
Left Navigation Bar
On the left side of the window is a dark blue menu bar. Clicking on a menu button will direct the user to the specified page. The active module is shown by a lighter blue highlight.
Module Tabs Navigation
The module tabs are located above the content area. The tabs are used to navigate throughout the modules without navigating to another page. Clicking the module tab will change the content area so that it pertains to the selected tab. The tab currently being viewed is identifiable by its highlighted color.
To print the full report, please navigate to the Printable Dashboard page. Then follow the instructions below to print from your browser.
To print individual sections of the report
You can select Adobe PDF in almost any Windows or macOS application while printing. Print to PDF creates an electronic copy of your file that you can save to disk. Printing a file to PDF using the Adobe PDF printer flattens the file.
Please ensure that Acrobat is installed on your computer, otherwise, the Adobe PDF printer or the Save As Adobe PDF option won't appear. Don’t have Acrobat? Try Acrobat for free.
Printing from Microsoft Edge
- At the top of the page, select Settings and more > Print, or press Ctrl+P in Windows or Command+P in macOS.
- Select Print using system dialog.
- Choose Adobe PDF as the printer in the Print dialog box.
Print from other Windows browsers
- Choose File or Menu > Print.
- Choose Adobe PDF as the printer in the Print dialog box.
To customize the Adobe PDF printer setting, click the Properties (or Preferences) button. (In some applications, you may need to click Setup in the Print dialog box to open the list of printers, and then click Properties or Preferences.)
- Click Print. Type a name for your file, and click Save.
Print from Mac OS
You can use the Save As Adobe PDF option to print a file to PDF on Mac.
- Choose File > Print.
- Choose Save as PDF as the printer in the Print dialog box.
- Choose the Adobe PDF Settings and click Continue.
- Type a name for your file, and click Save.
Note: In macOS Mojave (v10.14), when you try to print a document to PDF using the System Print Dialog > Save As Adobe PDF, the following error message is displayed: "This workflow contains the action Save As Adobe PDF, which is provided by a third party. Third party actions must be explicitly enabled."
To resolve this error, see Error in saving as Adobe PDF | macOS Mojave 10.14.
- Open a file in a Mac OS application.
- Click the PDF button and choose Save As Adobe PDF.
- Choose the Adobe PDF Settings and click Continue.
- Type a name for your file, and click Save.
This help information was found on Adobe Acrobat’s Help page.