Beryllium-Associated Worker Registry Dashboard, (2022)
DOE Mission & BAWR Initiative
Executive Summary
Data Metrics & Results
- BAWR Reporting Sites and Target Population
Health Monitoring Results
- Number and Proportion of Workers undergoing BeLPT Testing and Diagnosed with BeS or Diagnosed with CBD by Reporting Organization (n=34,911) (2002–2022) *
- Number and Percent Proportion of Workers Undergoing BeLPT Testing, and Yielding Abnormal BeS or CBD Results (n=47,374) (2002–2022) *
- Percent Proportion of Workers Diagnosed as BeS by Reporting Organization (n=545) (2002–2022) *
- Percent Proportion of Workers Diagnosed as CBD by Reporting Organization (n=155) (2002–2022) *
- Number and Percent of Workers Categorized by Number of Years Following Hire Date, Undergoing BeLPT and Diagnosed with BeS or Diagnosed with CBD (n=47,374) (2002–2022) *
- Number of Workers Undergoing BeLPT and Diagnosed with BeS or Diagnosed with CBD (n=34,911) (2002–2022) *
- Number and Percent Proportion of Workers with Abnormal BeLPT Results BeS or CBD Results (n=34,911) (2002–2022) *
- Comparison of the Number and Percent Proportion of Workers Undergoing BeLPT to the Number of Workers with BeLPT Results by Reporting Organization (n=9,044) (2022)
Exposure Monitoring Results
- Number and Percent of Workers Monitored by Reporting Organization (unique workers n=4,244) (2013–2022) *
- Number and Percent Proportion of Workers Undergoing Beryllium Exposure Monitoring by Reporting Organization (n=8,541) (2002-2022) *
- Number and Percent Proportion of Exposure Sample Results by Year (N=40,634) (2013–2022) *
- Comparison of the Number and Percent Proportion of Exposure Samples to Workers with Exposure Sampling Results by Reporting Organizations (n=742) (2022)
- Number and Percent Proportion of Non-Detectable Results Exposure Measurements, Detectable Exposure Measurement Results and Exposure Measurement Status Not Reported (N=122,457) (2002–2022) *
- Percent of 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Year (2013–2022) *
- Percent of 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Work History Activity (2002-2022) *
- Percent of 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Job Title for Craft Workers (2002–2022) *
- Percent of 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Reporting Organization (2002-2022) *
- Exposure Monitoring Results Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Reporting Organization (2022) *
- Exposure Monitoring Results Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Reporting Organization (2022)
- Exposure Monitoring Results Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Reporting Organization (2021) *
- Exposure Monitoring Results Exceeding Action Level 0.2 µg/m3 by Reporting Organization (2020) *
Health and Monitoring Comparisons
- Comparison of the Number and Percent Proportion for Beryllium-Associated Workers Diagnosed with BeS or CBD with and without Exposure Sampling Results by Reporting Organizations (n=700) (2002-2022) *
- Comparison of the Percent of Workers Diagnosed with BeS or CBD with Percent Exceeding Action Level 0.2 μg/m3 by Reporting Organization (2002-2022) *