What would be possible if you had $60,000 of advanced technology available in your school?

The mission is to help improve science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) education in schools. This competition awards multiple educators with $60,000 each in advanced technology equipment. Each winner will receive 30 laptop computers with a charging cart and the opportunity to choose between several different prize packages to enhance technology education.
A primary goal of STEAM education is to prepare students for future careers which will require problem-solving skills, self-exploration, and perseverance. These skills, and many more, can be developed through the use of advanced technology. Having $60,000 in advanced technology equipment would give a boost to any student learning STEAM in today’s world!
One educator from each of the 5 regions will win the Grand Prize!
This program is made possible through a sponsorship from the Central Intelligence Agency.
A panel of educators and ORISE staff will determine the winning classroom for each region.
Entries will be judged on how well they:
One educator from each of the 5 regions will win the Grand Prize!
Grand Prize includes:
A teacher and students in Washington, D.C. just won $30,000 from the agency and a celebratory freakout like the one they had is coming to a Chicago classroom this year. The Mission Possible competition is open to third through twelfth graders. Video entries should explain how $30,000 will promote science, technology, engineering, art, or math learning.