Current Research Opportunities
The Intelligence Community (IC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program offers scientists and engineers from a wide variety of disciplines unique opportunities to conduct research in a wide range of topics relevant to the Intelligence Community. The research is conducted by the Postdocs, in partnership with a Research Advisor while also collaborating with an advisor from the Intelligence Community.
In partnership with the Research Advisor, the Postdoc composes and submits a technical proposal that responds to a current research opportunity.
U.S. citizens and recent Ph.D. graduates or doctoral students who will soon complete their degrees are invited to apply.
Zintellect is ORISE’s online application management system. If you have questions about the research opportunity, please contact ORISE and include the Reference Code you are inquiring about in the email.
In order to apply to the opportunity, you will need to make a profile account in Zintellect at Once your profile is made, you will be able to apply to the research opportunity.
For technical assistance with navigating Zintellect, contact Zintellect Support at
Accepting application submissions from January 2 – February 28, 2025.
Additional Information
Please feel free to review the research opportunities listed below:
2025 Open Opportunities
Machine Learning Trained Fingerprinting of the Near Field Measurement
Light Weight Metamaterial Ultrawideband Frequency Absorber
Utility of Synthetically Generated Data for Training or Testing AI/ML Systems
Bio-Manufacture of Quantum Technology
Improved Spatial Resolution for Optical Surveillance Using Distributed Apertures
Aging of Fingermarks. Can Fingermark Deposition Time be Determined from Crime Scenes/Objects?
Exploiting Biology for Overmatch Compute Advantage
Integrating Multimodality and Context to Automatic Language Analysis
Barriers to Adoption of a Security-Minded Approach to Information Management
Autonomous AI-Powered Red Teaming for Enhanced Cybersecurity
Novel Methods for Structural Health Monitoring and Detection of Faults
Identifying Hazardous Materials Using Spectroscopic or Quantum Sensing Techniques
Advanced Processing for Real-Time RF Mapping
Performance Improvement from Antenna Diversity from Space Platforms
Pressurised Fresh Water as a Conduit for Data Transmission.
Scalable and Accurate Entity Resolution in the Presence of Low-Quality Data
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Routine Security Scanning Checks at Border Crossings
Challenges in Maintaining Professional and Personal Boundaries Online or in Person with Others
Emanations Simulation for Secure Facility Design and Construction
Adversarial Robustness of Compressed Models
Minimizing Time to Recovery While Maximizing Architectural Agility in Cyber Systems
Evidence-Based Practice: Understanding People Through AI and Big Data
Using AI to Power Synthetic Biology Applications
Methodology Development for Identifying BSL-2's of Strategic Concern
Development High-Throughput Informatic Tools to Support Proteomic Analysis in Complex Samples
Improved Methods for Hybridization-Capture Enrichment Probe Panel Design Against Bacterial Genomes
Graded Property RF Structures Using Advanced Manufacturing
Surface Chemistry of Short-pulse Laser Ablation on Exotic Materials for Circuit Fabrication
Novel Optoelectronic Devices for Classical Computing and Quantum Sensing
Material Defects in Superconducting and Spin Quantum Computing
Correlated Noise in Quantum Computing
Magnetic Superconducting Digital Electronics
Design of Superconducting Digital Electronics
Unobtrusive Indoor Energy Harvesting
Use Al to Align Experimental and Analytical Results to Better Predict HTSC Quantum Phenomena
Understanding Artificial Intelligence Risk to National Security
Engineering of Quantum Sensing Devices for Space-Based Deployment
Atomic Nuclear and Optical Clock Integration
3D Computer Vision for Situation Awareness
Strategic Foresighting and Futures for Homeland Safety & Security
Nanodiamond Quantum Sensing and Microfluidic Technologies for Chemical and Biological Detection
Advanced Techniques for Antenna-Receiver Performance Enhancement and Miniaturization (ATARPEM)
Solid-State Chip-Scale Electronics Cooling
Developing Advanced Materials for Efficient Heat Management in Compact Spacecraft Components
Leveraging AI to Address Selected Drivers of Instability in Africa
Ocean Acoustic Modelling for Superior Environment Intelligence
Modeling Space Situational Awareness for Interactive Investigation of Potential Threats
Parallel Computation of Orbit Propagation Uncertainty Using GPU
Orbit Determination by Optimizing the Integration of Object Observation and Propagation
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Retrodirective Arrays
Geographic Information Extraction Using Global Databases
Sentimental Mapping and Perceptions During Times of Peace and Way
2024 Closed Opportunities
Additively Manufactured RF Systems and Ruggedization Fellowship
Novel Magnetic Materials and Devices for High Performance Computing Fellowship
Novel Detection Methods: Counterfeit Identity Documents Fellowship
Counterfeit Physical Identity Evidence Supply Chain Tracing Fellowship
Enhanced Computational Modeling of Human Navigation in Urbanized Environments Fellowship
Tools and Techniques for Quantum Biology Fellowship
Developing Techniques to Enable Analytic Teams to Make Accurate Judgments Fellowship
Financial Determinants of Technology Innovation Fellowship
Strengthening Container Security Through Cyber Forensics and Zero Trust Fellowship
Quantum Control for Quantum Error Correction Fellowship
Optical Clock Integration Fellowship
Multimodal Multiscale 3D Scene Reconstruction Fellowship
Security of Distributed Safety-Critical Control for Networked Systems Unclassified Key Fellowship
Drone-Based Quantum Sensing Fellowship
Quantum Engineering for Quantum Sensors Fellowshi
Unsupervised Labeling of Imagery Fellowship
Materials Informatics for Rapid and Efficient Design of New Systems Fellowship
Beyond Li-ion: Towards the Next Generation of Space Power Fellowship
Strategic Thinking and Collaborative Processes: Intelligence to Decision-Making Fellowship
Automated Crypto Asset Transfer Provenance Reconstruction Fellowship
Interactive Topographic Map of Crime Syndicate Ancestry Fellowship
Integrated Multimodal Facial Recognition Technologies Fellowship
Exploration of Quantum Sensing Concepts Fellowship
The Burden of Secrecy Fellowship
Empowering Intelligence Analysts with AI Fellowship
Protocol-Agnostic Device Identification and Authentication in Smart Cities Fellowship
International Technology Standards Setting: Cyber Security Opportunities Fellowship
Quantum Algorithms for Qudit Systems Fellowship
Next Generation Vectors, Adversarial Applications, and Defenses Fellowship
AI/ML Utilization of Genomic Data for Synthetic Biology Applications Fellowship
Identifying Inter-Brain Communication Paths Fellowship
Distributed High Frequency Over-The-Horizon Radar Fellowship
Detection of Obscured Forensic or Biometric Markers at Crime Scenes or from Objects Fellowship
Flexible Solid-State Batteries Fellowship
Detection of Genetic Engineering and/or Synthetic Biology Fellowship
Anticipating Complexity in a Modern World Fellowship
Light Weight Metamaterial Ultrawideband Frequency Absorber Fellowship
Detection of Low Volatile Materials Fellowship
Understanding AI Enhanced Biotechnology Risks Fellowship
Development of Techniques to Assess Data Aggregation Fellowship
Utilizing a Modern Mobile to Provide a Level of TSCM Capability Fellowship
Simulation of Emerging Sensor Technologies Fellowship
The Influence of Air Quality on Cognitive Performance and Behaviour in Secure Environment Fellowship
Understanding Artificial Intelligence for National Security Fellowship
RF Machine Learning Performance Bounds Fellowship
Improving Program Understanding with Fine-Grained Execution Traces Fellowship
2023 Closed Opportunities
Protocol-agnostic Device Identification and Authentication in Smart Cities
Quantum Engineering for Quantum Sensors
Mechanisms to Improve the Sensitivity of Metagenomic Analysis
Enhanced Raman Microscopy Identification of Biological and Chemical Materials on Solid Samples
Ocean Tides and Ocean Tide Loading Parameters
Climate Change Impact on Commercial Electro-Optical Constellation Collection
Solid-State Quantum Magnetometer Integration
Computational Model of the V1 Human Visual System
Quantum Advantage and Computational Tractability
Understanding the Interaction of Multiple Optimizers in Artificial Intelligence Models
Novel Mathematical Approaches to Understanding Complex Systems
Material Characterization Techniques for Quantum Computing
Novel Control and Readout Schemes for Gate-Based Quantum Computing
Robust Multilingual End-to-End Speech Recognition
Emerging Application for Superconducting Electronics
Robust and Resilient Artificial Intelligence Systems
Deleterious Effects on Atoms Due to Nearby Surfaces
Enhancing thermal management in space environments
Non-canonical Protein Translation and Expression Processes, Synthetic Biology, and Biosecurity
Biotechnologically Useful Determinants of Extremophiles
Associations of Micro and Nanoplastics in Environment and its Human Health Implications
Tools and Techniques for Quantum Biology
Modeling of Chemical Plumes in Urban Environments
Effect of Aerosol Particle Morphology on Reaction Dynamics
Novel Techniques for Remote Sensing of Chemicals
Developing Techniques to Enable Analytic Teams to Make Accurate Judgments
Enhanced Characterization of Solar Storm Events
Enabling Components of Human Augmentation
Detecting Anomalous Small-scale Seismic Events
Secure Hardware Assurance Through Modelling and Machine Learning
Flapping Wing Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) for Remote Sensing
Methods for High-throughput Energetic Characterization
2022 Closed Opportunities
Quantum Engineering for Quantum Sensors
Conceptualization of Swarm or Team Robots for Autonomous Tunneling
Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Modelling and Simulation (EMS M&S)
Discriminating Polymers Used in Additive Manufacturing Systems with Handheld devices
Associating Fabricated Parts and 3-Dimensional Printing Machines from Toolmarks
Artificial Intelligence Explainability
Probabilistic Visualization of Complex Arguments to Resolve Analytic Disagreements
Characterization And Source Mapping of 3D Printed Materials Through Materials Analysis
Early Warning Threat Identification via Phenotypic Expression
Design And Modeling of Self-Assembled Biological Structures
Advancing Isotopic Analysis of Metabolites for Geo-Spatial Attribution
Specific and Precise Individual-Scale Contact Tracing of Infectious Diseases
Exposome Characterization to Enhance Threat Assessments
Advances in Whole-System, Untargeted, Multi-Omics Analytical Approaches – Software and Hardware
High Volume Biomanufacturing of Three-Dimensional Structures from Self-Assembled Biological Polymers
Optical Metrology For Nanofabrication
Disagreements Accurate Answers to Challenging Factual Questions
Weak Supervision in Machine Learning
Uncovering Insights into Locations Using Geosocial Data
Multi-site Pattern-of-Life Irregular Time-Series Modeling
Solid-State Quantum Magnetometer Readout and Subsystem Enhancements
Environmental Security Risk Forecasting
Developing Advanced Metrics for Hypernetwork Analysis
Computational Complexity in Standard Machine Learning and Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms
Investigation of Strategic and Critical Materials in the Space Infrastructure Supply Chain
A New Description of Ionospheric Variability Driven by Dynamics from the Lower Atmosphere
Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Filters for Communications
Bandit Models for Optimizing Collection
Materials Science for Quantum Information Science
Novel Control and Readout Schemes for Gate-Based Quantum Computing
Solid-State Qubits in Extreme Environments
Malign Foreign Influence: Identifying it and Assessing State Resilience to it
Prospects for Machine Learning to Ascribe Motivation
Find Needle in Haystack, Build Needle-Stack: Novel Technique to Tackle Large-Scale Class-Imbalance
Threat Model Considerations in Systems that use neural networks at the edge
Machine learning and modelling of complex circuits to provide secure hardware assurance
Machine led discovery of electrically functional materials for additive manufacturing
Characterizing the Impact and Detection of Microbiome/Microbiota Modifications
Characterizing the Impact and Detection of Synthetic Monomers
Low Shot Training and Testing of Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Items of Concern
The Cybersecurity of Complex Adaptive Systems
The Internet of Space Things Using Commercial Grade Radios
Nanotechnology Implications for Chemical and Biological Warfare Safeguards
2021 Closed Opportunities
Holistic Human Identity Mapping
Nontraditional Distributed Aperture Coherent Imaging/Sensing
Real-Time Image Enhancement With Cross-Sensor Prior Information
Computational Fluid Dynamics of Fast Moving Objects
Cislunar Position Navigation and Timing
Solid-State Quantum Magnetometer Readout and Subsystem Enhancements
Neural Pathways and Neuroplasticity in Geospatial Expertise Acquisition
Tailoring Quantum Error Correcting Codes to Error Models
Assessing Collective Intelligence
Novel Techniques for Plume Model Mapping
Autonomous Control for Small Uninhabited Air Vehicles Enabling Monitoring of Infrastructure
Individual-Scale Contact Tracing of Infectious Diseases Through Next-Generation Sequencing
Synthesis of Sequence-Controlled, Multiblock Copolymers for Information Storage Applications
Deep Learning and Inference Using Models with Low Precision Synapses and Binary Unit Activations
Solid State Nanopore Polymer Sequencing for Information Storage Applications
Multifunctional 2D Materials for Photonics and Optoelectronics Applications
Nonlinear and Time Varying Antenna-like Structures
Examination of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing of Firearms and Tools
Debugging for Quantum Computers
Superconducting Implementations of Signals Processing Techniques
Advances in Whole-System, Untargeted, Multi-Omics Analytical Approaches—Software and Hardware
Rapid Improvement of Judgmental Calibration
Formal Verification of Machine Learning Models
Developing Pattern-of-Life Analysis & Predicting Future Locations Using Open-Source Locational Data
Using Machine Learning to Model Crustal Magnetic Field
Understanding Change: Approaches to International Conflict Prevention
Quantum Engineering for Quantum Sensors
Terahertz Radio Frequency (THz RF) Transmission for Wideband Atmospheric Communications
Optimal and Autonomous Control of Satellite Formations
Multi-Agent Control Hierarchy for Distributed Space Systems
Evaluating the Impact of Technology on the Global Financial System
Evaluation of Commercially Available Flight Simulator Software
Fractile Phased Array Antennas
Improving Recorded Audio Intelligibility for Varying Environments
Noise Characterization of Superconducting Qubit Systems
Event-based Imagers (EBI) vs. Traditional Frame-based Imagers for Broad-area Anomaly Detection
Artificial Intelligence Explainability
Synthesis of Flexible Electrochromic Polymer
Development of Methods to Identify, Detect, and Describe Synthetically Derived Biological Systems
Wireless Mesh Communication Networks
Developing and Expanding Machine-Readable Knowledge Models for Object Based Production
Electromagnetic Spectrum Modeling and Simulation
Chemical Analysis of Polymers Used in Additive Manufacturing
Information Security Classification for Disparate Data in the age of Machine Learning
Cyber Influence on Behavior Change: Prevalence, Predictors, Progress, and Prevention
Object and Activity Detection with Weak Labels
Investigate the Sensitivity of Photonic Technologies to Radiation Effects Using Lasers
Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Determining Attribution—A Chemometric Study of Energetic Materials
Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum Sensor Network for Detection & Identification of Devices
Low-Shot Training and Testing of Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Items of Concern
Predicting the Unpredictable: Can you Predict Drone Intent?
Machine-led Discovery of Novel Materials for Automated Chemical Synthesis
Satellite Internet of Things Communications
Scalable Pattern Discovery Within Graph-Structured Data
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Anomaly Detection Using Consumer Grade Hardware
Automated Intelligibility Tests Through the Use of AI or Novel Algorithms