Welcome to ORISE Immigration Services

The purpose of Immigration Services is to ensure that all ORISE foreign national participants in each research participation program maintain legal status in the United States.

There are various types of immigration statuses that allow you to participate at host facilities where U.S. citizenship is not required. Generally, you are not required to hold U.S. citizenship, depending on the requirements of the host facility/agency. 

There are two major types of program opportunities:

For Lawful Permanent Residents and Conditional Permanent Residents ONLY 
Only foreign nationals who are considered a Lawful Permanent Resident or a Conditional Permanent Resident can apply.

Open to Everyone
Foreign nationals with any of the following immigration statuses can apply. Immigration statuses not listed here require preliminary investigation and review. Prior to start, all immigration statuses will require Immigration Services review and approval.

Please note, not all statuses are accepted by every program. The host/sponsoring facility determines eligibility for their ORISE-administered research participation program and accepted statuses will vary per program and opportunity. Interested foreign national applicants can verify by referring to the Eligibility Requirements: Citizenship section in a Zintellect posting and/or by selecting “None” as the Citizenship Filter in the Zintellect Opportunity Catalog. Lawful Permanent Residents should select the filters “LPR or U.S. Citizen” and “None” for their search.