Participant Experiences
Read about NCSES Participant Experiences
Rachel Stenger
Rachel Stenger, doctoral student in sociology, spent the summer of 2020 contributing research to the development of a new STEM demographics survey and a questionnaire design checklist for web survey contractors. -
Tim Wojan, Ph.D.
Tim Wojan, Ph.D. is studying innovative entrepreneurship as an established scientist fellow. Wojan’s project will play an important role in assessing the size and health of the innovative entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Matthew Fritz, Ph.D.
As a fellow in the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) Research Ambassadors Program, Matthew Fritz, Ph.D., is analyzing key trends and patterns to advance data analysis and visualization.
Alexis Doreste
In 2020, Alexis Doreste spent his summer contributing to statistical research projects as part of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) Research Ambassadors Program.
“I absolutely admired my experience in the NCSES Research Participation Program.”
—Hamidh Abdul Gafoor, 2021 Summer Intern -
“My experience has definitely made me more cognizant of the fact that there are alternative methods and venues for achieving my career goals besides just academia.”
—Matthew Fritz, 2020-2021 Fellow -
“A research experience at NCSES should always be sought, regardless of what your strengths or fields of study may be!”
—Alexis Doreste, 2020 Summer Intern