The Grid Deployment Office (GDO) works to catalyze the development of new and upgraded electric infrastructure across the country by maintaining and investing in critical generation facilities; developing and upgrading high-capacity electric transmission lines nationwide; and deploying transmission and distribution infrastructure and technologies. GDO acts as a partner with states, Tribes, territories, industry, communities, and other energy sector stakeholders to deploy solutions to lower energy costs and improve grid reliability and resilience.
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) drives U.S. leadership in the research, development, validation, and effective utilization of energy technologies and processes, ensuring an integrated energy system that is affordable, reliable, resilient, secure, and clean.
Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP)
The Office of State and Community Energy Programs’ (SCEP) mission is to support state and local organizations in achieving their clean energy priorities. SCEP promotes place-based strategies by offering technical assistance and grant funding to accelerate clean energy technology deployment, drive local economic development, create jobs, reduce energy use and costs, and minimize local air pollution.
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (IE)
The Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (IE) partners with Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations to catalyze Tribal energy development, efficiency and use, reduce or stabilize energy costs, enhance and strengthen Tribal energy infrastructure, and deliver affordable reliable energy to Tribal lands and homes. IE empower Native communities to develop local energy solutions by providing financial and technical assistance and helping build local capacity for a more sustainable future.