Summer Research Team Program for Minority Serving Institutions
The purpose of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program is to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in research areas that support the mission and goals of DHS. This program provides faculty and student research teams with the opportunity to conduct research a university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (DHS Centers).
For further information about the Department of Homeland Security University Programs, please email
What do Summer Research Teams do?
Learn more about the purpose of the program
The program seeks to engage faculty led teams of undergraduate and graduate students, in research that provides opportunities to:
- Better understand the mission and research needs of DHS
- Make advances in DHS Research Areas
- Strengthen the talent pool of scientists and engineers
- Conduct collaborative research of mutual interest to the Team, the DHS Center and DHS.
How Do I Get Involved?
Faculty member information for SRT
All SRT teams must have a faculty member.
Faculty members currently teaching at a MSI and students currently enrolled at a MSI in a discipline, major or concentration directly related to a homeland security, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) Research Area are encouraged to apply.
The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education ( ORISE) administers this program through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy ( DOE) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. ORISE is managed by ORAU for DOE. ORISE will be responsible for the application and review process, notification and implementation of the program.
DHS Centers of Excellence
The DHS Centers network is an extended consortium of hundreds of universities generating ground-breaking ideas for new technologies and critical knowledge, while also relying on each other’s capabilities to serve the Department’s many mission needs.
The Centers’ research portfolio is a blend of basic and applied research addressing both short and long term needs of DHS. The DHS Centers facilitate the collaboration of leading experts and researchers to conduct multidisciplinary homeland security research and provide workforce development opportunities to the future workforce.
This year's participating centers are:
- Addressing Rapid Changes through Technology, Innovation, & Collaboration (ADAC-ARCTIC)
- Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE)
- Center of Excellence for Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense (CBTS)
- Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis (CINA)
- National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education (NCITE)
- Soft-target Engineering to Neutralize the Threat RealitY (SENTRY)
Research Focus Areas
Learn about the SRT research focus areas for this cohort
Learn more about the ways S&T strives to address current capability gaps while preparing for future challenges. Visit to learn more.
Advancing Yourself Professionally
ORISE has been helping young STEM professionals on their career paths since 1946. Current participants have access to resources to help with professional development.
How to Apply
Information on application requirements and deadlines
The program requires teams to be composed of one faculty member and up to two students (undergraduate and/or graduate level). Appointments will not be made to teams with no student member(s) or to teams without a faculty member.
Faculty and students have different eligibility requirements. Use the links below for more infomation.
What will I receive?
Allowances for SRT members
Research experiences must be scheduled between May – August.
Stipends begin at the below levels:
Faculty - $2,000 per week
Graduate students - $950 per week
Undergraduate students - $750 per week
Housing Allowance
A housing allowance is provided to participants who
- Live more than fifty miles, one-way, from their assigned DHS Center and
- Are paying for housing while conducting research at the Center
The housing allowance is $400 per week.
Travel Allowance
A travel allowance is provided to participants who live more than fifty miles, one-way, from their assigned DHS Center.
- If a participant travels by plane or train, ORISE will make travel arrangements and purchase the plane or train tickets.
- If a participant plans to drive, they will be reimbursed for mileage at the current U.S. General Services Administration mileage reimbursement rate up to a maximum of $350, one-way.
**To help defray the cost of flying or shipping personal belongings to and from the internship, participants may receive up to $100 in reimbursement for luggage or parcel shipping expenses.
Travel by faculty and student team members in support of the team’s summer research project may be approved for reimbursement by DHS/ORISE in accordance with federal government travel policies. In order to be considered for reimbursement, travel plans must be endorsed by the DHS Center and approved by DHS/ORISE prior to travel. Travel without pre-approval may not be reimbursed by DHS/ORISE.
Follow-on Funding
Faculty may apply for up to $100,000 in follow-on funding for the academic year following their summer appointment to continue research and collaboration with the DHS Center. To be eligible for follow on funding, faculty must continue research at the same MSI institutions listed on their completed application forms. Exception requests will be handled on a case by case basis by DHS.
Persons with Disabilities
DHS is fully committed to implementing all federal laws, regulations and guidelines related to the development of affirmative employment plans and inclusion of persons with disabilities. Therefore, the participation of persons with disabilities is strongly encouraged. To facilitate the participation of individuals with targeted disabilities, DHS will provide up to $1,500 in supplemental funding for special assistance and/or equipment necessary to enable the researcher to perform the work under the award.
Appointments will be contingent on the availability of funds. Awards may not be deferred.
Key Dates and Deadlines
A calendar of important dates for Summer Research Teams.
Early fall
Applications for Summer 2025 open
December 30, 2024, 11:59 PM EST
Faculty Team Member
Deadline for Faculty members submit a Faculty Application and Curriculum Vitae (CV)February 3, 2025, 11:59 PM EST
Student Team Member(s)
Application Deadline for Rising Undergraduate Juniors and Seniors - selected students will receive an invitation to apply via email. This includes transcripts and references.Application Deadline for Rising and Current Graduate Students - selected students will receive an invitation to apply via email. This includes transcripts and references.
February 7, 2025, 11:59 PM EST
Proposals and team applications are due.
Faculty Team Member
Applicants selected by a DHS Center to submit a Research Project Proposal must have all materials submitted. This includes the Letter of Recommendation from the Department Head at your institution.
Deadline for student references to submit online applicant recommendations.
The Team Application is not complete without both student and faculty documentation.February 2025
For undergraduate students attending an eligible community college at the time of application: Documentation of application to a 4-year Minority Serving Institution for Fall 2024.
For rising graduate students (seniors at the time of application): Documentation of application to a graduate program at a Minority Serving Institution for Fall 2024.February 2025
Announcement of awards
April 2025
Tentative date for DHS Teleconference (Webinar) Orientation for faculty members.
Participant Obligations
Obligations and deliverables for SRT participants
Application & Selection Roadmap
More information about the application and selection process
1. Faculty Reviews Information About Participating DHS Center(s) of Excellence and the Research Activities
Faculty reviews information located on the DHS Centers of Excellence website to determine the DHS Center(s) engaged in research areas of interest to him/her. Faculty may choose to contact the Centers for additional information. Please ask for the Education Program Manager when making inquiries.
Faculty submits a Faculty Application Form and CV to ORISE via Zintellect by the application deadline. See Key Dates above.
CVs must include this information.Selected Faculty will be notified of their invitation to submit a Team Application. The Team Application includes:
- Research Project Proposal: The DHS Center researcher and faculty member work together to define a research project, project goals and location where the research project will be conducted. The proposed research project must be reviewed and approved by the DHS Center before the Research Project Proposal is submitted to ORISE via Zintellect.
- Student Applications: Selected Faculty members assemble a Research Team. Faculty members identify one or two qualified students to complete the summer research team. Applications are submitted by students via Zintellect.
ORISE reviews faculty application form, CV, and forwards application to the appropriate DHS Center(s) for review. See How to Apply page for Applicant and Institution eligibility requirements.
DHS Center(s) reviews faculty application form and CV. The Center(s) may contact faculty directly to obtain additional information pertaining to his or her research interests.
If the DHS Center determines the proposed research is of interest to the DHS Center research mission, the DHS Center will identify a researcher at the Center with whom the team may collaborate during the summer program.
5. ORISE notifies selected faculty and invites Faculty to submit a Team Application
Faculty identifies one or two qualified students to complete their summer research team. Eligibility requirements for student team members should be considered when identifying team members along with background, skill set, work ethic and level of maturity.
Faculty team members should ensure that all selected student team members meet the program requirements prior to requesting ORISE to send the student application to their selected students.
6. Faculty assembles Research Team and develops a Research Proposal in collaboration with DHS COE
The DHS Center researcher and faculty participant work together to create: a research project, project goals, and location where the research project will be conducted. The proposed research project must be reviewed and approved by the DHS Center before the Research Project Proposal is submitted to ORISE via Zintellect by February 9, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EST. Consult Key Dates and Deadlines above.
7. Faculty and students submit Team Application
Faculty and Students submit all required applications and supporting materials including letters of recommendation and transcripts as detailed in Application Requirements via Zintellect by the deadline listed in the Key Dates and Deadlines section.
8. DHS COEs reviews Team Applications and make recommendations to DHS S&T Office of University Programs (OUP). DHS OUP makes final selection
Application packages are reviewed by:
- ORISE for eligibility and completeness
- DHS Centers for strength and relevance to the DHS Center mission
- DHS for strength and other DHS relevant factors
Evaluations are based on established criteria and assigned overall ratings.
DHS Center recommendations are forwarded to DHS S&T Office of University Programs for final team selection.
9. ORISE notifies teams of selection
ORISE will notify teams receiving awards, their academic Dean and President, along with the DHS Center, by e-mail.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the questions most commonly asked by applicants.
DHS reserves the right to make no awards or to cancel this program. DHS assumes no liability for canceling the program or for anyone's failure to receive actual notification of cancellation.
Meet a former SRT Participant: Nicole Fernández-Tejero
Nicole Fernández-Tejero has been learning to fine-tune food contamination methods to protect the public.