Program Focus Areas
- Operational Technology – Learn about the hardware and software that detects or causes a change through the direct monitoring and/or control of physical devices, processes, and events in the enterprise.
- Computer Science – Learn how to understand how and why technologies work, explore whether and how technology could solve real-life problems, investigate procedures, create solutions, and learn about computing systems, programming, data, and networks.
- Engineering – Learn how to incorporate electrical engineering and computer science to understand cyberspace. Use skills developed in digital forensics, security policy, and network defense and apply them to cybersecurity tasks, as well as learn about engineering hardware and software.
- Cybersecurity – Learn how DOE protects networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access or criminal use and the practice of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
- Data Science and Analytics – Learn how to prepare data for analysis, including cleansing, aggregating, and manipulating the data to perform advanced data analysis.
- Software Engineering – Learn how to develop software products. Learn to operate with a set of principles, best practices, and methods that have been carefully honed throughout the years, evolving as software and technology change.
- Malware Analysis and Forensics – Learn how to determine the origin, usefulness, and potential effect of a malware sample.
- Network Analysis - Learn the process of intercepting, recording, and analyzing network traffic communication patterns in order to detect and respond to security threats.
- Cloud Design and Enterprise Architecture – Learn about cloud computing and the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.
- Policy/Management/Oversight – Learn to review and monitor public sector organizations and their policies, plans, programs, and projects, to ensure that they are achieving expected results; represent good value for money; and are in compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations, and ethical standards.