Radiation Emergency Medical Resources
View Treatment References and Job Aids
In the event of a radiological emergency, medical professionals can find videos, references and job aids to assist in the management of individuals injured by ionizing radiation.
Translated materials are also available in Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
The Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS), as part of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, maintains a collection of radiation emergency medicine resources that support the medical response to radiological/nuclear events and the treatment of individuals injured by ionizing radiation.
Life-saving medical issues always take precedence with radiological concerns, unlike some chemical and biological hazards.
REAC/TS has developed algorithms for medical management and radiation monitoring to highlight priorities in the medical cases of radiation victims. To assist emergency medical providers, REAC/TS has produced technical reports, videos, and other resources to highlight priorities in the care of radiologically ill or injured patients.
In this section
Video Spotlight
What to do if you need to contact REAC/TS during an emergency?
If you need to contact REAC/TS for assistance with a radiation exposure, please watch this video to know what information is needed for us to address your questions and concerns.
Contact REAC/TS
If you need to contact REAC/TS for assistance with the medical management of those involved in a radiological/nuclear incident, please watch the video above "What to do if you need to contact REAC/TS during an emergency?" to know what information is helpful for us to address your questions and concerns.
General information (865) 576-3131
General email reacts@orau.org
After-hours number (865) 576-1005 (Ask for REAC/TS)