Epidemiologic Research

Health hazards assessed through surveillance and studies

Epidemiology, a core capability of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, continues to evolve and diversify as priorities and needs change. Early in its history, ORISE engaged in epidemiologic research of mortality among U.S. Department of Energy nuclear workers. Epidemiologists developed robust expertise in occupational health studies and DOE worker populations. In the early 1980s, the Center for Epidemiologic Research became the operating unit for this important research.

Why is epidemiologic research important?

Epidemiologic research provide valuable insight into health trends and risks for workers and the public at large. ORISE researchers have kept in step as DOE operations and worker health assessment needs have evolved over time. Since the early 1990s, ORISE epidemiologists have concentrated on building and maintaining worker health registries to support medical surveillance, health risk assessments and morbidity studies.

ORISE retains the expertise and capabilities needed to perform epidemiologic research and studies of exposure to radiation, chemicals and other hazards. Specifically, ORISE’s capabilities include:

  • Study design and implementation
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of health surveillance programs
  • Survey/questionnaire development, deployment and evaluation
  • Exploratory data analysis and advanced data visualization
  • Biostatistical analysis and advanced modeling of health data

Learn more about specific ORISE epidemiologic research and capabilities:

Video Spotlight

The Epidemiological Study of One Million Persons

Health effects from radiation exposure in former uranium production workers at Mallinckrodt were examined as part of the Million Person Study. In addition to data access and management, ORISE provided historical insight of DOE operations, as well as subject matter expertise in occupational epidemiology, radiation dose assessment and biostatistical modelling.