Published Research and Reports
The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education authors technical reports, peer-reviewed journal articles and reports prepared by the ORISE Center for Epidemiologic Research. In addition to these resources, the following articles have been published recently by ORISE researchers. They represent a subset of ORISE occupational exposure and worker health publications. A complete list of published articles, papers, chapters and abstracts of presented papers can be obtained upon request.
- Milder CM, Howard SC, Ellis ED, Golden AP, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Leggett RW, French B, Zablotska LB, Boice JD Jr. (2024) Third mortality follow-up of the Mallinckrodt uranium processing workers, 1942-2019. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 100:2, 161-175.
- Ko Y, Howard SC, Golden AP, French B. (2024). Adjustment for duration of employment in occupational epidemiology. Annals of Epidemiology, Volume 94, 33-41.
- Dauer LT, Walsh L, Mumma MT, Cohen SS, Golden AP, Howard SC, Roemer GE, Boice JD. (2023). Moon, Mars, and minds: Evaluating Parkinson’s disease mortality among US radiation workers and veterans in the million person study of low-dose effects. Z Med Phys. 34(1):100-110.
- Zablotska LB, Richardson DB, Golden AP, Pasqual E, Smith B, Rage E, Demers PA, Do M, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Kelly-Reif K, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Charles Wiggins C, Laurier D, Apostoaei I, Thomas BA, Simon SL, Hoffman FO, Boice Jr. JD, Dauer LT, Howard SC, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Ellis ED, Eckerman KF, Leggett, RW, Pawel, DJ. (2022) The epidemiology of lung cancer following radiation exposure. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 99:3, 569-580.
- Schöllnberger H, Dauer LT, Wakeford R, Constanzo J, Golden A. Summary of Radiation Research Society Online 67th Annual Meeting, Symposium on "Radiation and Circulatory Effects." Int J Radiat Biol. 2022 Aug 5:1-21. Epub ahead of print.
- Boice JD Jr, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Golden AP, Howard S, Girardi DJ, Ellis ED, Bellamy M, Dauer LT, Samuels C, Eckerman KF, Leggett R. (2022) Mortality study of women working between 1943-1947 at the Tennessee Eastman Corporation uranium processing facility during World War II. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 99:2, 208-228.
- Boice JD, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Hagemeyer D, Chen, Heidi, Golden AP, Yoder CR, Dauer LT. (2022) Mortality from Leukemia, Lung Cancer and Heart Disease among U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Workers, 1957-1984. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Boice JD, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Golden AP, Howard, SC, Girardi, DJ, Ellis ED, Bellamy, MB, Dauer, LT, Samuels C, Eckerman KF, Leggett, RW. (2021) Mortality among workers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1943–2017. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Golden AP, Milder CM, Ellis ED, Andersion JL, Boice JD, Bertke SJ, Zablotska LB. (2021) Cohort profile: Four early uranium processing facilities in the US and Canada. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Boice JD, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Chen H, Golden AP, Beck HL, Till JE. (2020) Mortality among US military participants at eight aboveground nuclear weapons test series. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Boice JD Jr, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Ellis ED. The Million Person Study, whence it came and why. Int J Radiat Biol. (2019) Mar 4:1-14. Online ahead of print. PMID: 30831042
- Boice JD Jr, Ellis ED, Golden AP, Zablotska LB, Mumma MT, Cohen SS. (2019) Jan 7:1-12. Sex-specific lung cancer risk among radiation workers in the million-person study and patients TB-Fluoroscopy. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Golden AP, Ellis ED, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Leggett RW, Wallace PW, Girardi D, Watkins JP, Shore RE, Boice JD Jr. (2019) Jan 17:1-56. Updated mortality analysis of the Mallinckrodt uranium processing workers, 1942-2012. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Golden A, Cohen S, Chen H, Ellis E, Boice J. Comparison of Statistical Modeling Approaches for Epidemiology Studies of Low Dose Health Effects. 2018. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Ellis ED, Girardi D, Golden AP, Wallace PW, Phillips J, Cragle DL. 2018. Historical perspective on the Department of Energy mortality studies: Focus on the collection and storage of individual worker data. Int J Radiat Biol Nov 29, 2018 [Epub ahead of print] [PMID 30495982]
- Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Dupree Ellis E, Boice JD Jr. (2018) Nov 19:1-10. Validating the Use of Census Data on Education as a Measure of Socioeconomic Status in an Occupational Cohort. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Dauer LT, Bouville A, Toohey RE, Boice JD Jr, Beck HL, Eckerman KF, Hagemeyer D, Leggett RW, Mumma MT, Napier B, Pryor KH, Rosenstein M, Schauer DA, Sherbini S, Stram DO, Thompson JL, Till JE, Yoder RC, Zeitlin C. (2018) Nov 19:1-10. Dosimetry and uncertainty approaches for the million person study of low-dose radiation health effects: overview of the recommendations in NCRP Report No. 178. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Ellis ED, Girardi D, Golden AP, Wallace PW, Phillips J, Cragle DL. (2018) Nov 29:1-23. Historical perspective on the Department of Energy mortality studies: Focus on the collection and storage of individual worker data. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Golden AP, Cohen SS, Chen H, Ellis ED, Boice JD Jr. (2018) Nov 30:1-26. Evaluation of statistical modeling approaches for epidemiologic studies of low dose radiation health effects. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Hagemeyer D, Nichols G, Mumma MT, Boice JD, Brock TA. (2018) Oct 25:1-4. 50 Years of the Radiation Exposure Information and Reporting System. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- Mumma MT, Cohen SS, Sirko JL, Ellis ED, Boice JD Jr. (2018) Nov 9:1-21. Obtaining Vital Status and Cause of Death on a Million Persons. International Journal of Radiation Biology.
- J. D. Boice, Jr., E. Ellis, A. Golden, D. Girardi, S. Cohen, H. Chen, M. Mumma, R. Shore, E. Roy, R. Leggett. (2018) The Past Informs the Future: An Overview of the Million Worker Study and the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Cohort. Health Physics.
- E. Ellis, J. D. Boice, Jr., A. Golden, D. Girardi, S. Cohen, H. Chen, M. Mumma, R. Shore, E. Roy, R. Leggett, G. Kerr. (2018) Dosimetry is Key to Good Epidemiology: Workers at Mallinckrodt Chemical Works had Seven Different Source Exposures. Health Physics.
- D. E. Smith, A. Golden, B. Stange, E. Barker, M. Mroz, A. Barón, D. Ghosh, L. Maier, D. Cragle, L. Newman. (2018) Clinical and laboratory factors contributing to uninterpretable beryllium lymphocyte proliferation tests (BeLPT). American Journal of Industrial Medicine.