DOE Illness and Injury Surveillance Reports

For nearly 20 years, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education examined and analyzed the occupational records of more than 125,000 workers at 16 participating U.S. Department of Energy sites and facilities as part of the Illness and Injury Surveillance Program (IISP).

The goal was to identify groups of workers that might be at increased risk for occupation-related injury and illness. Surveillance was based on continuous collection, analysis, and interpretation of selected morbidity, demographic, and occupational exposure data. Program staff also provided epidemiologic and public health expertise in the evaluation of worker health concerns. Implementation of epidemiologic surveillance advanced the automation of health data management systems at sites such as the Idaho National Laboratory, fostering the development of state-of-the-art medical information management.

While this program ended in 2012, the data and site-specific annual reports and 10-year summaries describing the results of this epidemiologic surveillance are still available for future study and analysis.

Annual Surveillance Reports

These annual reports are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. They are based on information submitted by participating laboratories. The views and opinions expressed in these reports are those of its authors.

Brookhaven Cancer Assessment

Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center Mortality Study

Annual Reports