
STEM careers start here! Find opportunities for professionals, students, and educators

Through its management of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, ORAU is committed to delivering the highest quality products and services to the U.S. Department of Energy and other government agencies. Achieving these outcomes requires a workforce of talented, motivated, and ethical employees who are dedicated to building positive relationships, appreciating diversity, and developing innovative ideas that support DOE’s core mission to advance science education and research programs.

Whether you are looking for a long-term career with ORAU or a short-term research experience through ORISE, the links below can help you locate career opportunities available across the United States. All personnel who work under the ORISE contract are considered employees of ORAU. You can also search for current openings with any of our science partners—including ORNL, the EPA, CDC, FDA, and others—through Zintellect, our online research opportunities database.