Published Research
The expertise at the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center Training Site (REAC/TS) extends beyond a commitment to educate medical providers, health physicists, and other emergency response personnel about the medical management of radiation injuries. REAC/TS staff regularly contribute to the greater medical community through collaborations with other scientists to publish scholarly articles that address the medical aspects of radiation incidents. A sampling of recent publications is listed below.
- Atencia-Jiménez, I.; Balajee, A.S.; Ruiz-Gómez, M.J.; Sendra Portero, F.; Montoro, A.; Molina-Cabello, M.A (2024, November) Published in Applied Science Neural Network Ensemble to Detect Dicentric Chromosomes in Metaphase Images
- Smith TL, Ryan TL, Escalona MB, Shuryak IE, Balajee AS (2024, October) Application of FISH based G2-PCC assay for the cytogenetic assessment of high radiation dose exposures: Potential implications for rapid triage biodosimetry | PLOS ONE Published in PLoS ONE 19(10):
- Detweiler A.E., Hayes J.M., McMahon, K.J., Veinot K.G. (2024, September) Published in Radiation Measurements A review of criticality dosimetry at the Y-12 National Security Complex and practical importance of dose accuracy in emergency response - ScienceDirect
- Dieffenthaller, Meghan, Vogt, James Dillon, Baxter, Wayne, Crapo, John, Hayes, Joshua M (2024, August) Disaster in Goiânia published in CBRNe World magazine at Log in required.
- Dieffenthaller, Meghan, Vogt, James Dillon, Crapo, John and Hayes, Joshua M (2024, April) Forgotten History Published in CBRNe World magazine at
- Ervin, Mark D, Goans, Ronald, Diffenderfer-Stewart, Kristy, Aloisi, Becky, Iddins, Carol J, (2024, February) Cutaneous Radiation Injuries: REAC/TS Clinical Experience. Published in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness.
- Livingston GK, Ryan TL, Escalona MB, Foster AE, Balajee AS (2023, August) Retrospective evaluation of cytogenetic effects induced by internal radioiodine exposure: A 27-year follow-up study. Published in Cytogenetic and Genome Research online ahead of print.
- Wenxuan Chai, Yunfan Kong, Maria B. Escalona, Chunshan Hu, Adayabalam S. Balajee, and Yong Huang (2023, June). Evaluation of Low-dose Radiation-induced DNA Damage and Repair in 3D Printed Human Cellular Constructs. Published in Health Physics on-line ahead of print.
- Endesfelder D, Oestreicher U, Bucher M, Beinke C, Siebenwirth C, Ainsbury E, Moquet J, Gruel G, Gregoire E, Martinez JS, Vral A, Baeyens A, Valente M, Montoro A, Terzoudi G, Triantopoulou S, Pantelias A, Gil OM, Prieto MJ, Domene MM, Zafiropoulos D, Barquinero JF, Pujol-Canadell M, Lumniczky K, Hargitai R, Kis E, Testa A, Patrono C, Sommer S, Hristova R, Kostova N, Atanasova M, Sevriukova O, Domínguez I, Pastor N, Güçlü I, Pajic J, Sabatier L, Brochard P, Tichy A, Milanova M, Finot F, Petrenci CC, Wilkins RC, Beaton-Green LA, Seong KM, Lee Y, Lee YH, Balajee AS, Maznyk N, Sypko T, Pham ND, Tran TM, Miura T, Suto Y, Akiyamam M, Tsuyama N, Abe Y, Goh VST, Chua CEL, Abend M, Port M. (2023, April). RENEB Inter-Laboratory Comparison 2021: The Dicentric Chromosome Assay. Radiation Research: 2023 Apr 4. Online ahead of print.
- Royba E, Repin M, Balajee AS, Shuryak I, Pampou S, Karan Ch, Wang Y-F, Lemus OD, Obaid R, Deoli N, Wuu C-S, Brenner DJ, Garty G. (2023, January). Validation of a High-Throughput Dicentric Chromosome Assay Using Complex Radiation Exposures. Radiation Research: 199, 1-16.
- Meador JA, Morris RJ, Balajee AS (2022, December). Ionizing Radiation-Induced DNA Damage Response in Primary Melanocytes and Keratinocytes of Human Skin. Journal of Cytogenetic and Genome Research: 162(4), 188-200.
- Paccosi, Elena, Balajee, Adayabalam S., Proietti-De-Santis, Luca (2022, July). A matter of delicate balance: Loss and gain of Cockayne syndrome proteins in premature aging and cancer - PMC ( Frontiers in Aging: A section on Interventions in Aging.
- Escalona, Maria B., Ryan, Terri L., Balajee, Adayabalam, S. (2022, July). Current developments in biodosimetry tools for radiological/nuclear mass casualty incidents. Environmental Advances special issue: Global Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response: Public Health Perspective.
- C.J. Iddins, J.E. Davis (2022, May 11). Internal contamination cases: The REAC/TS experience. Environmental Advances special issue: Global Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response: Public Health Perspective.
- C.J. Iddins, J.E. Davis (2022, May 11). Recognition of radiation-induced injuries as sentinel indicators of uncontrolled radioactive material. Environmental Advances special issue: Global Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response: Public Health Perspective. Epub ahead of print.
- J.A. Meador, A.S. Balajee (2022, April 18). Analysis of ionizing radiation induced DNA damage response in human adult stem cells and differentiated neurons. Published in Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis.
- S. Sholom, S.W.S. McKeever, M.B. Escalona, T.L. Ryan, A.S. Balajee (2022, February). A comparative validation of biodosimetry and physical dosimetry techniques for possible triage applications in emergency dosimetry. Journal of Radiation Protection. Accepted manuscript.
- E. Gregoire, J. F. Barquinero, G. Gruel, M. Benadjaoud, J.S. Martinez, C. Beinke, A. Balajee, P. Beukes, W.F. Blakely, I. Dominguez, P. N. Duy, O. M. Gil, I. Güçlü, K. Guogyte, S.P. Hadjidekova, V. Hadjidekova, P. Hande, S. Jang, K. Lumniczky, R. Meschini, M. Milic, A. Montoro, J. Moquet, M. Moreno, F.N. Norton, U. Oestreicher, J. Pajic, L. Sabatier, S. Sommer, A. Testa, G. Terzoudi, M. Valente, P. Venkatachalam, A. Vral, R.C. Wilkins, A. Wojcik, D. Zafiropoulos, & U. Kulka (2021). RENEB Inter-Laboratory comparison 2017: limits and pitfalls of ILCs, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 97:7, 888-905.
- C.J. Iddins, A.L. DiCarlo, M.D. Ervin, E. Herrera-Reyes, R. Goans (2021, September 6). Cutaneous and local radiation injuries. Journal of Radiological Protection. Epub.
- M. Keenan, T. Behrens, S. Bravenec, J. Davis, A. Bowen, R. Goans, & C. Iddins (2021, September). Americium Inhalational Exposure with Successful Chelation Therapy. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-5.
- A.S. Balajee, G.K. Livingston, M.B. Escalona, T.L. Ryan, R.E. Goans, C.J. Iddins (2021, July 7). Cytogenetic follow-up studies on humans after internal and external exposures to ionizing radiation. Journal of Radiological Protection. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34233319
- N.E. Martinez, D.W. Jokisch, L.T. Dauer, K.F. Eckerman, R.E. Goans, J.D. Brockman, S.Y. Tolmachev, M. Avtandilashvili, M.T. Mumma, J.D. Boice, & R.W. Leggett (2021, April 26). Radium dial workers: back to the future. International Journal of Radiation Biology. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33900890
- R.E. Goans, C.J. Iddins (2021, April). The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as a triage tool in criticality accidents. Health Physics 120(4): 410-416.
- Q. Tan, K. Niu, Y. Zhu, Z. Chen, Y. Li, M. Li, D. Wei, A.S. Balajee, H. Fang, Y. Zhao (2021, March). RNF8 ubiquitinates RecQL4 and promotes its dissociation from DNA double strand breaks. Oncogenesis, 10(3): 24.
- G. George, J.I. Hayes, C.N. Collins, J. Davis, L. Yu, Y. Lin, J. Wen, D. Ila, Z. Luo (2021, March). Size- and concentration-dependent Eu2+/Eu3+ mixed luminescent characteristics of rare-earth-doped CaF2 nanoparticles and their monolithic epoxy nanocomposites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 857: 157591.
- A.S. Balajee, Valeria Hadjidekova (2021, January-February). Retrospective cytogenetic analysis of unstable and stable chromosome aberrations in the victims of radiation accident in Bulgaria. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 861–862: 503295
- R.E. Goans (2021, January). Power function retention of radionuclides in a wound. Health Physics, 120(1): 94-97.
- J.T. Sanders, T.F. Freeman, Y. Xu, R. Golloshi, M.A. Stallard, A.M. Hill, R. San Martin, A.S. Balajee, R.P. McCord (2020, December). Radiation-induced DNA damage and repair effects on 3D genome organization. Nature Communications, 11(1): 6178.
- A. Bowen, T.G. Veenema, S. Schneider-Firestone, C. Iddins, D. Boyce, J. Davis, C. Thornton (2020, September). Exploring National Nursing Readiness for a Radiological or Nuclear Incident. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 46(5): 600-610; 2020.
- B.P. Murray, E. Kim, S.A. Ralston, T.P. Moran, C. Iddins, Z. Kazzi (2020, January). Radiation emergency readiness among US medical toxicologists: A survey. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-6.
- G.K. Livingston, T.L. Ryan, T.L. Smith, M.B. Escalona, A.E. Foster, A.S. Balajee (2019, December). Detection of simple, complex and clonal chromosome translocations induced by internal radioiodine exposure: A cytogenetic follow-up case study after 25 years. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 159(4):169-181.
- T.L. Ryan, M.B. Escalona, T.L. Smith, J. Albanese, C.J. Iddins, A.S. Balajee (2019, November). Optimization and validation of automated dicentric chromosome analysis for radiological/nuclear triage applications. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 847: 503087.
- K. Niu, H. Fang, Z. Chen, Y. Zhu, Q. Tan, D. Wei, Y. Li, A.S. Balajee, Y. Zhao (2019, August). USP33 deubiquitinates PRKN/parkin and antagonizes its role in mitophagy. Autophagy, 26: 1-11.
- R.E. Goans, R.E. Toohey, C.J. Iddins, N. Dainiak, S.L. McComish, S.Y. Tolmachey (2019, August). The Pseudo Pelger-Huët Cell as a Retrospective Dosimeter: Analysis of a Radium Dial Painter Cohort. Health Physics, 117(2): 143-148.
- T. Smith, M. Escalona, T. Ryan, G.K. Livingston, J. S. Tyler and A.S. Balajee (2019, May). Extension of lymphocyte viability for radiation biodosimetry: Potential implications for radiological/nuclear mass casualty incidents. Journal of Cell Biochemistry, 120(5): 8619-8629.
- T.L. Ryan, A.G. Pantelias, G.I. Terzoudi, G.E. Pantelias, A.S. Balajee (2019, May). Use of human lymphocyte G0 PCCs to detect intra- and inter-chromosomal aberrations for early radiation biodosimetry and retrospective assessment of radiation-induced effects. PLoS ONE, 14(5): e0216081.
- Viswanathan, K. Kanagaraj, V. Raavi, S. Dhanasekaran, V. Panicker, R. Krishnamoorthy, A. Balajee, and V. Perumal (2019, April). Does proliferation capacity of lymphocytes depend on human blood type? Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 120(4): 5722-5728.
- A.S. Balajee, M. Escalona, C. Iddins, I. Shuryak, G. Livingston, D. Hanlon, N. Dainiak (2019, February). Development of electronic training and telescoring tools to increase the surge capability of dicentric chromosome scorers for radiological/nuclear mass casualty incidents. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 144: 111-117.
- N. Dainiak, J. Albanese, M. Kaushik, A.S. Balajee, A. Romanyukha, T.J. Sharp, W.F. Blakely. (2019, February). Concepts of Operations for a US Dosimetry and Biodosimetry Network. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, ncy294.
- A.S. Balajee and M.P. Hande (2018, December). History and evolution of cytogenetic techniques: Current and future applications in basic and clinical research. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 836 (Part A): 3-12.
- A.S. Balajee (2018, October). Applications of fluorescence in situ hybridization in radiation cytogenetic biodosimetry and population monitoring. OBM Genetics, 2: 1-35.
- A.S. Balajee, T. Smith, T. Ryan, M. Escalona, N. Dainiak (2018, September). Development of a miniaturized version of dicentric chromosome assay tool for radiological triage. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 182(1): 139-145.
- H. Fang, K. Niu, D. Mo, Y. Zhu, Q. Tan, D. Wei, Y. Li, Z. Chen, S. Yang, A.S. Balajee, Y. Zhao (2018, September). RecQL4-Aurora B kinase axis is essential for cellular proliferation, cell cycle progression, and mitotic integrity. Oncogenesis, 7(9): 68.
- A.S. Balajee, J.T. Sanders, R. Golloshi, I. Shuryak, R.P. McCord, N. Dainiak (2018, July). Investigation of Spatial Organization of Chromosome Territories in Chromosome Exchange Aberrations After Ionizing Radiation Exposure. Health Physics, 115(1): 77-89.
- R.P. McCord and A.S. Balajee (2018, June). 3D Genome Organization Influences the Chromosome Translocation Pattern. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Book Series, 1044: 113-133.
- G.K. Livingston, J.H. Petajan, A.S. Balajee (2018, May). Chromosome translocation in a female with a history of fetal loss and chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. Chromosome Science, 20 (1-4): 3-8.
- M. Cicero, T. Whitfill, B. Walsh, M. Carmen-Diaz, G. Arteaga, D. Scherzer, S. Goldberg, M. Madhok, A. Bowen, G. Paesano, M. Redlener, K. Munjal, D. Kessler, M. Auerbach (2018, April). 60 Seconds to Survival: A Multisite Study of a Screen-based Simulation to Improve Prehospital Providers Disaster Triage Skills. Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training, 2(2): 100-106.
- D. Mo, Y. Zhao and A.S. Balajee (2018, January). Human RecQL4 helicase plays multifaceted roles in the genomic stability of normal and cancer cells. Cancer Letters, 413: 1-10.
- G.K. Livingston, M. Escalona, A. Foster, A.S. Balajee (2018, January). Persistent in vivo cytogenetic effects of radioiodine therapy: a 21-year follow-up study using multicolor FISH. Journal of Radiation Research, 59(1): 10-17.