Chelsea Gibson, Ph.D., relishes role in supporting STEM workforce development

Chelsea Gibson, Ph.D.

Chelsea Gibson, Ph.D.

Chelsea Gibson, Ph.D., an associate manager for ORISE STEM Workforce Development, leads a team that administers the ORISE FDA Research Participation Programs. In addition, Chelsea helps develop and execute professional development opportunities for ORISE interns and fellows. She holds a doctoral degree in neuroscience from Vanderbilt University.

Get to know Chelsea in this ORISE Staff Spotlight Q&A!

Q: What is your favorite part of working at ORISE?
A: Hands down, my favorite part of working at ORAU/ORISE is the people I interact with daily! We have a great group on my team, in our group and at ORISE overall, which makes showing up every day exciting. I am also very thankful to play a small role in the greater impact that ORISE has on our next generation of STEM researchers. Through ORISE, students and recent grads, at all academic levels, are able to get unique hands-on mentored experiences with our federal agency partners.

Q: What was your experience before joining ORISE?
A: Prior to joining ORAU/ORISE, I was fresh out of the research lab! After completing my doctorate, I continued some research projects with my graduate lab. While I thoroughly enjoyed advancing the research in my field, I knew that, long-term, I wanted to shift into a role to help the next generation of students and recent grads as they explored STEM career options.

Q: As an ORISE thought leader, how do you give back to the STEM community?
A: That’s one of the great things about my role with ORISE! It’s part of my job to give back to the STEM community! As co-lead for the ORISE Enrichment and Engagement Committee, I play an active role in planning and hosting professional development opportunities, such as the ORISE Community Engagement Series, for our ORISE interns and fellows. Giving back to the community can be small scale, too! I’ve enjoyed volunteering for “Brainy Days” in my graduate work and teaching local K-12 students about the brain and neuroscience.

Q: What advice would you give to those who are considering an internship/fellowship opportunity?
A: Apply, apply, apply! You will never get a “yes” if you don’t put your name in the ring! Internships and fellowships not only offer a way to learn new technical skills from experts in the field, but they are a great way to build your network — often it’s the relationships you build, peer-to-peer, or with mentors, that can help shape your future career path. The time in an internship or fellowship is a great time for a lot of self-reflection — is this the right career path for me? or did I learn a valuable lesson to look for a new direction for my career?

Q: What is one fun fact about you?
A: I’ve learned that I thrive when I can make time to exercise or go for a walk — it helps clear my mind and is a great way for me to transition from work to home. A few years ago, I joined a “boot camp”-style gym and it’s been fun and challenging to set and reach new goals. I even made third place in a friendly gym competition — and I’m proud of that accomplishment!

Media Contacts

Pam Bonee
Director, Communications
Phone: 865.603.5142

Wendy West
Manager, Communications
Phone: 865.207.7953

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) asset that is dedicated to enabling critical scientific, research, and health initiatives of the department and its laboratory system by providing world class expertise in STEM workforce development, scientific and technical reviews, and the evaluation of radiation exposure and environmental contamination.

ORISE is managed by ORAU, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and federal contractor, for DOE’s Office of Science. The single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, the Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit